Pre-harvest application of salicylic acid influence physicochemical and quality characteristics of ‘Chimarrita’ peaches during cold storage


  • Jakellinye Miranda Federal University of Fronteira Sul, Rodovia BR 158 - Km 405, CEP 85301-970 Laranjeiras do Sul, PR – Brazil
  • Suélen Braga de Andrade, Andressa Vighi Schiavon Federal University of Pelotas, Campus Universitário, S/N - CEP 96160-000 Capão do Leão, RS – Brazil
  • Pedro Luis Panisson Kaltbach Lemos KULeuven TC Ghent, Gebroeders de Smetstraat 1, 9000. Gent - Belgium
  • Cláudia Simone Madruga Lima Federal University of Fronteira Sul, Rodovia BR 158 - Km 405, CEP 85301-970 Laranjeiras do Sul, PR – Brazil
  • Marcelo Barbosa Malgarim Federal University of Pelotas, Campus Universitário, S/N - CEP 96160-000 Capão do Leão, RS – Brazil



Peach is a climacteric highly-perishable fruit whose post-harvest preservation relies largely on cold storage. The combination of the last with other technologies allows to extend the shelf life of this product. One alternative is the utilization of salicylic acid, a natural compound involved in many physiological phenomena such as resistance against diseases and ripening. Considering these facts, the objective of the present work was to evaluate the effect of pre-harvest application of salicylic acid solutions on the quality of ‘Chimarrita’ peaches during post-harvest cold storage. The experiment was conducted at the Federal University of Pelotas/RS, in the campus of Capão do Leão/RS - Brazil. The application of salicylic acid solutions was performed by direct pulverization on the fruits, 30 days prior to harvest. The concentrations were: 0,0 (control); 1,0; 1,5; and 2,0 mM. After harvest, the fruits were stored in a cold chamber at 1,0 ± 0,5°C and 85-90% RH, for 30 days. The analyses were performed at the following cold storage periods (plus 2 days at room temperature of 20°C to all treatments, in order to simulate commercialization conditions): 10 (+2) days; 20 (+2) days; e 30 (+2) days. The variables evaluated were: mass loss (%); flesh firmness (N); DA index; color (L, a*, b* and hue angle); wooliness incidence (%); rot incidence (%); total soluble solids (°Brix); pH; titrable acidity (% of organic acids); and ratio. The salicylic acid doses and/or the cold storage periods had significant effects on all the evaluated parameters. For most of the parameters analyzed, the intermediate dosis of 1mM (and also 1,5mM) of salicilic acid showed the most promising results. Therefore, the application of salicylic acid solutions 30 days prior to harvest is a technique which can be combined to cold storage in order to shift the quality and the shelf-life of ‘Chimarrita’ peaches.


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How to Cite

Miranda, J., S. B. de A. Andressa Vighi Schiavon, P. L. P. Kaltbach Lemos, C. S. Madruga Lima, and M. B. Malgarim. “Pre-Harvest Application of Salicylic Acid Influence Physicochemical and Quality Characteristics of ‘Chimarrita’ Peaches During Cold Storage”. Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture, vol. 31, no. 1, Feb. 2019, pp. 46-52, doi:10.9755/ejfa.2019.v31.i1.1899.



Research Article