Mapping and validation of markers linked to Rf gene in sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum var grossum)
Cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS), is the most valuable system in commercial hybrid seed production in hot pepper. Whereas in sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum var grossum), the unavailability of a stable restorer’s line is one of the major constraints in commercial hybrid breeding. Identifying the markers linked to CMS and nuclear restorer-of-fertility (Rf) genes will help in the production of CMS hybrids in sweet pepper. In the present study, we identified seven markers co-segregating with Rf genes using bulk segregating analysis (BSA) on the F2 Rf-segregating mapping population. Among these, the CRF-SCAR marker proved to be linked to the fertility restorer gene and it could be used for screening of genotypes to identify restorers and non-restorer lines in future Capsicum breeding programs and help in the establishment of CMS system for commercial hybrid seed production.
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